Ceremony honors vets in Prince George

By Ashley McLeod, Staff Writer
Nov 14, 2014, 16:48

PRINCE GEORGE — Community members came out to a ceremony held on the lawn of the Prince George historic courthouse, honoring those who have served this country in the military.

During the ceremony, a wreath was placed to honor veterans across the world, who sacrificed their lives in order for our country to be free.

“We pause on the eleventh day of the eleventh month at eleven hundred to honor the heroes who over the generations have served our nation with distinction. That unbroken chain of patriots from since the founding of America have stepped forth to defend her, and protect her promise of life liberty and pursuit of happiness,” said keynote speaker Col. Nancy Grady, assistant commandment at the U.S. Army School of Transportation.

Girl Scout Troop 360 and Boy Scout Troop 900 assisted Grandy in placing the wreath, which stood as a reminder of our military veterans, and what their service has done for our country.

“It’s those who sailed the oceans, cruised the skies, and fought land battles. Those who served in and outside of combat zones. Those are the nameless heroes who live and die each day without want of recognition,” Grandy said.

“We have not and will not forget the debt we owe them for securing the many freedoms which we enjoy,” said Grandy.

The Prince George County Regional Heritage Center hosted the event, along with American Legion Post 120.