A new patch has been developed by researchers that can turn energy storing white fats into energy burning brown fats, which could be used in the future to burn unwanted pockets of fat, also helping to treat diabetes and obesity.
The patch contains dozens of microscopic needles, which contain nanoparticles holding the medication used to turn the white fats into brown. The tiny needles pierce the skin, allowing for medicine to be gradually and painlessly released into the body. Previous treatments did not allow for the medicine to be released directly on fat stores, and instead exposed the entire body to the drug, leading to unwanted side effects. This method allows for the fat browning medicine to be directly injected into the fat stores being changed.
Researchers at Columbia University Medical Center and the University of North Carolina published the study after testing the nanoparticles on obese mice in the lab. The tests not only showed a change in the fats, but also showed that the mice who were treated with the drug had an increased oxygen consumption levels, and lower fasting blood glucose levels.
While the patch has obviously not been tested on humans, researchers are now working on studying which drugs can be used to help those with obesity and metabolic disorders in the future.